TDL Food Reviews, Tokyo Disneyland

Coca Cola Pulled Pork Hot Dog

I am so sorry for the lack of posts. Over the hot summer months I didn’t venture out of my air conditioned house very often therefore the lack of TDR posts, but fall is here and I am back to making regular TDR visits! It’s Halloween time here in Japan and at Disney. Before I get into all the Halloween festivities though I want to write a quick review about the “new” Coco Cola flavored pulled pork hot dog. I say “new” because this beautiful hot dog debuted in July. Oops. I was worried it would be gone with the summer events, but thankfully it was still on the menu when I went last week.

I love these handy dandy ketchup and mustard packets, you’re a bit out of luck if you only want one or the other, but for everyone who likes both condiments this is an awesome mess free way of dousing your hot dog. I wasn’t sure if I wanted ketchup and mustard on my BBQ pork, but Mr. Panda was insistent. (It ended up not being a problem at all!)

A little messy looking, but since we were both hungry at the time that didn’t suppress out appetites at all. I had heard mixed reviews about this hot dog so I was really nervous and excited to try it myself. First thought, super delicious! I have no complaints about this hot dog, except for maybe the fact that they didn’t give us a fork. The bun was soft and not dry at all. I noticed some people online mentioning that it didn’t have a Coca Cola flavor at all, but I think that’s to be expected. I’m sure that this pork simmered for a long time in a sauce that was compiled of many spices and flavors other than cola. (EDIT: I just realized that it says Coca Cola FLAVORED in the name…so no excuses, it doesn’t taste like cola at all.) It definitely was a sweet pulled pork and actually it was more of a “chunky bits of pork” than pulled, but that didn’t affect the flavor. Mr. Panda said that it reminded him of the BBQ ribs my uncle grilled for us when we were in America. It’s definitely different from the sweet teriyaki flavor that he’s familiar with.

See also  Halloween Pumpkins

Mr. Panda never passes up an opportunity to eat french fries so of course we got the set which means for the price of 1,000 yen you get a drink and cup of fries to go with the Coca Cola Pulled Pork Hot Dog. Currently it’s the most expensive set on the menu. I’m not a huge hot dog person, but I would eat this one again. I’m also interested in the new Mushroom Cream Sauce Cheese Dog that came out at the beginning of September. Should we try it?

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