TDS Park Reports, Tokyo DisneySea

DisneySea Preview Night 2016!

Tomorrow will officially be day one of The Year of Wishes at Tokyo DisneySea, but I got the chance to take a sneak peek at the new show Crystal Wish Journey at night! Unfortunately it was a rainy evening and I wasn’t able to get too many photos of the show, but I thought I would make this post for my own sake and for anyone else that’s interested.

The last time I went to DisneySea decorations for the 15th anniversary were just starting to go up. Yesterday at the monorail station I noticed something new! I really like the art and colour scheme for this year.

This year there are 3 different designs for the 15th anniversary! Remember if you have three passes with three different dates on them you can receive a cute pin! I just need one more pass and I’ll be able to redeem mine. Expect to see photos on my Twitter and Instagram!

With all of the anniversary festivities starting it’s easy to forget, but of course the Easter event is going on at Tokyo Disneyland! I haven’t had a chance to catch the parade yet, but I hope to within the next few weeks! It looks like there’s a lot of cute foods to try out as well.

Enough Resort Line talk for this post though. Let’s get on with the Preview Night! Since I was invited through Twitter, I had to go prove that I was @StudioLorien and show them my Twitter login page. I also had to sign a form saying that OLC could use my tweets and etc. In exchange I received a ticket, map, and Crystal Compass!

I was sad to see that they would not be performing Fantasmic as I was very excited to see how the Crystal Compass would interact with it. (I’ve heard that it works with the YouTube version!) Food options were also limited, but the main event was definitely the night time showing of Crystal Wish Journey.

See also  Donald Duck Special Set [Casbah Food Court]

I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of this logo and the colours!

Here’s my special passport!

DisneySea at night is one of the the most beautiful things ever! I can’t wait to go back and take more photos when the weather is nicer! I’m sorry I don’t have any photos of the show, but I have so much respect for all of the performers who came out in the rain and shared the magic of Crystal Wish Journey with all of us! I really hope that I’ll be able to see it at night again sometime before this year ends as it was so gorgeous!

I want to say a very big thank you to OLC for inviting me to this event and letting me participate in this special preview. I am very excited to celebrate this year together with all of you! Your support means so much to me and I will definitely be updating my blog a lot more this year! Please let me know if there are any types of posts you would like to see more of and I’ll see what I can do.



  1. Wow! I can’t believe that it has been 15 years since DisneySea has opened. Our whole family is very excited about seeing the night show. Thanks for the report, Abi!

    1. It’s actually a daytime show that they performed specially at night for the event. It’s equally as entertaining during the day though so I’m sure you will all love it!

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