TDS Park Reports, Tokyo DisneySea

Seven Port Ariel

December is here! I am not at all prepared for Christmas and I don’t even know if I own any Christmas decorations. ANYWAY. This past week I was able to go to Tokyo Disney Sea again and this time it was very sunny. I took my DSLR this time and I think I was able to get a few good shots. I still haven’t uploaded photos from the last time I watched Holiday Greeting from Seven Port, but oh well. Since my last post was about my lovely Ariel doll from Sophie I thought it was appropriate that I feature Ariel from Seven Port today.

…Of course we have to start off with Mickey Mouse!

Rejoice, it’s the weekend!

Princess Ariel appears!
Her winter costume is so beautiful. The details on her gown are gorgeous.

I’m still not in full control of my flash and camera settings….

Dancing with Prince Eric!

A few years ago I ran into Prince Eric in the Mermaid Lagoon area during the winter. I was very surprised to find out that his cape was made out of fleece. I’m sure that it must be very warm, but I didn’t know that royalty wore fleece. Hmmm…

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See also  Tanabata Days Sweets [TDS & TDL]


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