TDS Park Reports, Tokyo DisneySea

Snow at Disney Sea

Hello! Earlier this month Mr. Panda and I went to Tokyo Disney Sea for Valentine Nights 2014 with my parents. It had just snowed a large amount the day before and we were a bit worried about driving, but it was all fine and we got their safely. We actually went down the night before and stayed in a lovely hotel, but that’s another post. Today I’ll just share a few photos from then with you.

Shellie May was on the Today for February!
Too bad she wasn’t wearing her Sweet Duffy 2014 costume.

Snow on Prometheus! I believe quite a bit had melted at this point.

Of course we had to make a visit to one of my favorite places in the park.
…..Uh, excuse me, Mr. Panda.

It was still a bit cloudy, but Mermaid Lagoon looked beautiful as always.

Okay, Mr. Panda, you can be in the photo.

Did you know that there are Hidden Mickey’s all over the outside of Mermaid Lagoon?

Mr. Panda kindly showing everyone where the Hidden Mickey is.

Can you spot the Hidden Mickey in this picture?

No Hidden Mickey’s in this picture as far as I can tell, but the sky started to clear up!

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See also  Park Report: January 28th


  1. Awww… You are so lucky you stay in Japan! I love Disneyland but none here! I love your videos on Youtube and you are my favourite channel. Keep up the good work and check out my blog!

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