Tokyo Disneyland, Tokyo DisneySea

Where I’ve been for the past year…

Hello Disney lovers and trip planners ♡

I am alive! I’m so sorry I haven’t updated this blog in almost a year…Oops.

As most of you probably know, I have 3 YouTube channels and I’ve been focusing most of my energy on them. In November I got to participate in YouTube NextUp here in Tokyo, which was pretty much a week long “boot camp” for YouTube creators. It was an amazing opportunity and I got to learn so much from Google and media professionals. I was able to get a lot of new equipment and hopefully my content has improved some. I also finally bit the bullet and started using Adobe CC. Learning how to use Premiere and After Effects has been a struggle, but it’s so much easier to use than what I was using before.

Anyway, back to Disney talk.

I still have my AP for both parks and I’m still making (almost) weekly visits to the parks. (Does “bi-weekly” mean twice a week or twice a month?) For a while I decided that I wanted TDR to be a place where I could relax and not think about getting a blog post or video out of every single thing I eat and see, hence the lack of posts on this blog. (We did film food vlogs here and there though!) In doing this though, I stopped taking photos at the parks and started feeling a bit bored with my visits since I wasn’t constantly hunting for new things or fun tips I could share with you all. I still don’t think I can take on running this blog “full time” and keep up with my YouTube channels, but I am thinking that would like to make more video content about the parks (please subscribe to StudioLorien on YouTube!) and I hope to post mini trip reports here maybe once a month. Mainly because I would never get around to sorting my photos if I didn’t have somewhere to post them.

One of my past goals was to get a blog post up every week, but as I said in the previous paragraph, I currently don’t feel able to take on that much right now. I have though set a goal for myself to post every day on my Disney Instagram account! I know daily sounds scarier than a blog post every week, but not having to write makes it so much less daunting to me, so that’s what I’m going to attempt! Let’s look back on this post in a year and see how I did. Please follow me! @tokyodisneylorien 

See also  Halloween Pumpkins

Over the next few months I plan to work on simplifying this site so it’s easier to navigate and I’ve also been toying with the idea of merging the contents of my “kawaii” blog with this one since I never update it either. Let me know in the comments if having non-TDR content here would be annoying to you or not. As always, I will continue to tweet about my Disney-filled life along with other random topics, so if you don’t have enough Abi in your life please follow me on Twitter! @StudioLorien


  1. Great to see you your post again! We went to Disneyland a couple of weeks ago — the weather has finally warmed up, yeah! — and were surprised by all the construction next to Toon Town. I am so happy that we took the kids for a ride in the race cars last fall before they discontinued the ride. Do you know when the new section of the park will be finished?

    1. I don’t believe official dates have been announced for anything yet, but from what I’ve heard construction is going to continue until 2020.

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